Commonly referred to as HBOT, hyperbaric oxygen therapy enhances the body’s natural healing process by delivering oxygen under pressure, which increases the oxygen content in the blood, plasma, cerebral spinal fluid, and other body tissues. It has been around for almost four centuries and there are two basic types of HBOT—high pressure HBOT and mild HBOT. Mild HBOT refers to hyperbaric oxygen therapy at lower pressures, typically 1.5 ATA or below, and benefits from the addition of an oxygen concentrator which delivers 92-97% oxygen through a face mask while in the chamber. Mild HBOT has no known safety risks with fire or toxicity, and it is substantially less expensive. With high pressure, or hospital grade HBOT, treatment occurs in a hard-sided chamber at pressures greater than 1.5 ATA using 100% oxygen. Pure oxygen is extremely flammable and high pressure HBOT involves managing the risk of explosion and oxygen toxicity, and it is not ideal for home-use chambers. In clinical trials to date, there has been virtually no difference in clinical outcome between mild HBOT and high pressure HBOT.

A hyperbaric chamber is an enclosure wherein a user breathes in oxygen at levels above normal atmospheric pressure. The goal is to fill the blood with enough oxygen to repair tissues and restore body functions. While a user is in the chamber breathing supplemental oxygen under increased pressure, oxygen saturates their red blood cells. The additional pressure directly infuses oxygen into bodily fluids. This includes plasma, lymphatic fluid, spinal fluid, and interstitial spaces and tissues.
You will be seated or lying down inside the chamber as you breathe concentrated oxygen (90-95% O2) through a face mask. You can rest, meditate, read, sleep or use your Smartphone or tablet. People often report feeling less pain and a sense of relaxation and mental clarity following a session, as mild HBOT is a good central nervous system de-stressor and can be helpful in addressing brain fog related to Lyme disease, MS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, radiation treatment and chemotherapy.
Generally, mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy is very safe. Otic barotrauma (ear pain) is a risk due to difficulty equalizing ear pressure. It is typically quite temporary and easily controlled. Yawning or swallowing can remedy it—similar to what one would do when taking off and landing in an airplane.

The only absolute contraindications to mild HBOT are pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and air-trapping emphysema. If you are safe to fly in an airplane, you are safe to receive mild HBOT.
If you are taking the following medications you should speak with your provider about discontinuing them prior to receiving mild HBOT.
• Cis-Platinum—a chemotherapy agent *HBOT increases the effectiveness of this medication and dosage may need to be modified.
• Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®)—a chemotherapy agent
• Mafenide Acetate (Sulfamylon®)—a topical cream used to prevent and treat bacterial or fungal infections.
Research demonstrates that HBOT does not increase cancer metastasis and in fact may inhibit its growth and enhance quality of life during treatment. HBOT is the only treatment known to repair radiation damaged tissue. Other issues such as seizures, myopia (nearsightedness), cataracts, and oxygen toxicity do not relate to mild HBOT therapy in a soft chamber and are unheard of at pressures below 1.5 ATA.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy offers both medical and non-medical benefits. Whether you are looking for a tool to promote healing, stop the physical and mental symptoms of aging, or increase athletic ability, HBOT can fulfill your needs. It has long been known that healing many areas of the body cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue.  Most illnesses and injuries occur, and often linger, at the cellular or tissue level.  In many cases, such as: circulatory problems; non-healing wounds; and strokes, adequate oxygen cannot reach the damaged area and the body’s natural healing ability is unable to function properly.  Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides this extra oxygen naturally and with minimal side effects.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves the quality of life of the patient in many areas when standard medicine is not working.  Many conditions such as stroke, cerebral palsy, head injuries, and chronic fatigue have responded favorably to HBOT.
You probably know that as we age, we experience the physical symptoms of aging: fat buildup, muscle loss, and wrinkles. But do you know why it happens? Aging means your body is less efficient at repairing and regenerating your skin, removing unwanted toxins and debris, and healing. Hyperbaric chambers can boost your body’s oxygen level, establishing a healthy blood circulation, rehabilitating skin, and boosting your immune system. Additionally, with these capabilities, hyperbaric oxygen therapy even fights the mental symptoms of aging such as declining cognitive skills.
Yes! Oxygen is an important part of healthy skin maintenance. Whether we’re tanning at the beach or simply out and about during the day, our skin is exposed to UV radiation from the sun. This exposure damages our skin cells. Routine hyperbaric oxygen therapy can boost your skin’s elasticity and stimulate collagen production, leading to not only less wrinkles but an improvement in skin texture.
While the jury is still out on this topic, recent evidence suggests yes! According to a study at Shamir Medical Center, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can stop and even reverse two major processes associated with aging: the deterioration of blood cells and shortening of telomeres. As we age, our bodies begin to break down and these two processes are challenged. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides a non-invasive, painless, and revitalizing solution.
Read on to learn more about Hyperbaric Science.

Both Lebron James and Michael Phelps, among other successful competitors, have used hyperbaric oxygen therapy in their training. Increased oxygen to your body means your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are provided with a richer blood supply. Oxygenated blood supports quicker healing of injuries, reduces muscle soreness, decreases inflammation, and even improves endurance while training. Professional athletes attest to hyperbaric chamber use, but even novice exercisers can benefit from less post-work out soreness and a shorter recovery period!
Due to athletes’ frequent travel, we recommend a portable hyperbaric chamber. It is important to consider the weight of the chamber for transporting.

Research is still being conducted to determine hyperbaric oxygen therapy’s effectiveness for children and adults with autism; currently, HBOT is not a FDA-approved treatment for autism. However, a recent study of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in children with autism reports improvements in overall functioning, receptive language, social interaction, eye contact, and sensory/cognitive awareness. Some users report increased language and communication ability, as well as a better quality of life. While there are conflicting beliefs in the HBOT community regarding its effectiveness with Autistic individuals, overall, hyperbaric treatment is safe and typically well-tolerated. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with Autism, it may be worth trying out and seeing the results for yourself!

Yes! Wound healing is 1 of 13 FDA-approved uses of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT is particularly useful for chronic wounds, which are non-healing wounds that fail to heal correctly despite traditional hospital interventions. These include diabetic ulcers, wounds from radiation poisoning, infectious wounds, and surgical wounds.

For your body to heal bruises, cuts, and breaks, your blood has to carry oxygen to the injury. HBOT stimulates the creation of new blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and even destroys harmful bacteria that can infect a wound.

Oxygen is imperative for all your cells, including the cells in your brain. When these cells die, blood runs into surrounding tissue causing swelling and reducing functional blood flow. As the bloodstream is the transportation for oxygen, this leak may cause other areas of the brain to not receive the oxygen it needs! This is where hyperbaric oxygen therapy can step in. As HBOT increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, there may now be enough to support the rest of your brain, despite the leak.

Some users report experiencing relief of paralysis after hyperbaric oxygen therapy, perhaps due to the increased oxygen stimulating damaged tissue repair. Other users report HBOT to restore memory, concentration, and regain their overall quality of life after a traumatic brain injury.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is safe to be utilized by children, including those with CP or a TBI. In some cases, the injured brain tissue may be dormant and non-functioning, but oxygen can promote reestablished use. For patients with cerebral palsy, a study by the Underseas Hyperbaric Medicine journal found that when combined with intensive rehabilitation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy shows significant improvements in gross motor function. Some users report that cognitive function and spasticity were improved, as well. Keep in mind, however, that HBOT is not an FDA-approved treatment for CP or TBI. Speak with your doctor if you are planning to use HBOT for off-label uses.

Occasionally one may experience temporary ear discomfort while pressurizing or depressurizing the chamber, but this typically resolves after the first few sessions. This may be due to inflammation or congestion within the cranium, which can make it difficult for the ears to equalize. Since mild HBOT is a good anti-inflammatory, this typically resolves with treatment and pressurizing more slowly may be all that is required.

Parasitic or microbial infections such as Lyme disease or candida may cause a temporary exacerbation of symptoms early in treatment as high levels of oxygen are a natural anti-microbial and these organisms may release toxins as they die. those organisms die off and release toxins your system detoxifies. Mild exercise, saunas, drinking extra water or detoxifying teas, epsom salt baths and herbal supplements to support detoxification may be helpful.

Many doctors recommend an initial group of 40 sessions, one per day, for 60 minutes each, 5 to 7 days per week. If you are dealing with a systemic infection, such as Lyme disease or candidiasis, you may need to treat less frequently initially and support detoxification processes to address die-off related discomfort. For people with chronic and neurological issues, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, autism, traumatic brain injury, or stroke, repeated series of 40 sessions may be required, depending on the extent and severity of the condition and other underlying health issues. Please contact your doctor to discuss the best protocol for your condition. Athletes, those interested in wellness and optimal aging may benefit from regular HBOT 3-4 times per week.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used internationally for more than 80 different conditions. In the US our FDA has only approved it for 14, and it is rarely covered by insurance.

Research and clinical experience supports its use for athletic injuries and performance, arthritis, autism, attention deficit disorder, auto-immune disorders, Bell’s Palsy, brain and head injuries, cardiovascular disease, cerebral palsy, chemo-brain, cognitive impairment, Crohn’s disease, dermatological conditions, diabetes and diabetes related retinopathy and neuropathy, dementia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, Lyme disease and coinfections, learning disabilities, macular degeneration, MS, neuropathies, non-healing wounds, Parkinson’s disease, pervasive development disorders, PTSD, radiation damaged tissue, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, reconstructive surgery, spinal cord injury, stroke, and more. Used pre-and post-surgery it can improve outcomes for difficult surgeries and research shows that that it may be effective as an anti-aging and cancer prevention strategy.

In the US, HBOT is FDA approved to treat air or gas embolism, carbon monoxide & cyanide poisoning, crush injury, acute traumatic ischemia, decompression sickness, delayed radiation injury, diabetic footulcers, enhanced healing of problem wounds, exceptional blood loss, gas gangrene, intracranial abscess, necrotizing soft tissue infections, osteomyelitis (refractory), skin grafts and flaps(compromised), and thermal burns.

Portable hyperbaric chambers are cleared by the FDA to treat acute mountain sickness only. In the US, all other conditions are considered off-label, although HBOT is approved internationally for treatment of 60-120 different conditions and over 35,000 research studies support its use.

See our Research page resources and studies about HBOT and various conditions.

Hyperbaric oxygen is used to treat all conditions which benefit from increased tissue oxygen availability, as well as infections where it can be used for its antibiotic properties, either as the primary therapy, or in conjunction with other drugs.

Insurance and Medicare consider the following conditions for HBOT to be covered for payment:

  • Air or Gas Embolism
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Compartment Syndrome/Crush Injury/Other Traumatic Ischemias
  • Decompression Sickness (Bends)
  • Diabetic and Selected Wounds
  • Exceptional Blood Loss (Anemia)
  • Gas Gangrene
  • Intracranial Abscess
  • Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection
  • Osteoradionecrosis and Radiation Tissue Damage
  • Osteomyelitis (Refractory)
  • Skin Grafts and (Compromised) Flaps
  • Thermal Burns

The following conditions are off-label which may or may not be covered by insurance or Medicare:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Autism
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Lyme Disease
  • Migraine
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Near Drowning
  • Recovery from Plastic Surgery
  • Sports Injuries
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury

There are basically two types of chambers: monoplace and multiplace. And two type of materials solid, suitable for higher pressures typically fixed in hospitals, and inflatable, suitable for lower pressures, portable and ideal for home use, typically.

Monoplace chambers are designed to treat a single person pressurized with 100% oxygen.

Multiplace chambers are designed to hold several people at one time and oxygen is delivered through a mask or a hood.

Only clean cotton clothing is allowed in the chamber. No cosmetics, perfumes, hair preparations, deodorants, wigs or jewelry are allowed in the chamber. It is advised not to take alcohol or carbonated drinks for four hours prior to treatment. In most cases, it is recommended to give up smoking and any other tobacco products during their treatment period, as they interfere with the body’s ability to transport oxygen.

Commonly referred to as HBOT, hyperbaric oxygen therapy enhances the body’s natural healing process by delivering oxygen under pressure, which increases the oxygen content in the blood, plasma, cerebral spinal fluid, and other body tissues. It has been around for almost four centuries and there are two basic types of HBOT—high pressure HBOT and mild HBOT. Mild HBOT refers to hyperbaric oxygen therapy at lower pressures, typically 1.5 ATA or below, and benefits from the addition of an oxygen concentrator which delivers 92-97% oxygen through a face mask while in the chamber. Mild HBOT has no known safety risks with fire or toxicity, and it is substantially less expensive. With high pressure, or hospital grade HBOT, treatment occurs in a hard-sided chamber at pressures greater than 1.5 ATA using 100% oxygen. Pure oxygen is extremely flammable and high pressure HBOT involves managing the risk of explosion and oxygen toxicity, and it is not ideal for home-use chambers. In clinical trials to date, there has been virtually no difference in clinical outcome between mild HBOT and high pressure HBOT.

A hyperbaric chamber is an enclosure wherein a user breathes in oxygen at levels above normal atmospheric pressure. The goal is to fill the blood with enough oxygen to repair tissues and restore body functions. While a user is in the chamber breathing supplemental oxygen under increased pressure, oxygen saturates their red blood cells. The additional pressure directly infuses oxygen into bodily fluids. This includes plasma, lymphatic fluid, spinal fluid, and interstitial spaces and tissues.
You will be seated or lying down inside the chamber as you breathe concentrated oxygen (90-95% O2) through a face mask. You can rest, meditate, read, sleep or use your Smartphone or tablet. People often report feeling less pain and a sense of relaxation and mental clarity following a session, as mild HBOT is a good central nervous system de-stressor and can be helpful in addressing brain fog related to Lyme disease, MS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, radiation treatment and chemotherapy.
Generally, mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy is very safe. Otic barotrauma (ear pain) is a risk due to difficulty equalizing ear pressure. It is typically quite temporary and easily controlled. Yawning or swallowing can remedy it—similar to what one would do when taking off and landing in an airplane.

The only absolute contraindications to mild HBOT are pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and air-trapping emphysema. If you are safe to fly in an airplane, you are safe to receive mild HBOT.
If you are taking the following medications you should speak with your provider about discontinuing them prior to receiving mild HBOT.
• Cis-Platinum—a chemotherapy agent *HBOT increases the effectiveness of this medication and dosage may need to be modified.
• Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®)—a chemotherapy agent
• Mafenide Acetate (Sulfamylon®)—a topical cream used to prevent and treat bacterial or fungal infections.
Research demonstrates that HBOT does not increase cancer metastasis and in fact may inhibit its growth and enhance quality of life during treatment. HBOT is the only treatment known to repair radiation damaged tissue. Other issues such as seizures, myopia (nearsightedness), cataracts, and oxygen toxicity do not relate to mild HBOT therapy in a soft chamber and are unheard of at pressures below 1.5 ATA.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy offers both medical and non-medical benefits. Whether you are looking for a tool to promote healing, stop the physical and mental symptoms of aging, or increase athletic ability, HBOT can fulfill your needs. It has long been known that healing many areas of the body cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue.  Most illnesses and injuries occur, and often linger, at the cellular or tissue level.  In many cases, such as: circulatory problems; non-healing wounds; and strokes, adequate oxygen cannot reach the damaged area and the body’s natural healing ability is unable to function properly.  Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides this extra oxygen naturally and with minimal side effects.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves the quality of life of the patient in many areas when standard medicine is not working.  Many conditions such as stroke, cerebral palsy, head injuries, and chronic fatigue have responded favorably to HBOT.
You probably know that as we age, we experience the physical symptoms of aging: fat buildup, muscle loss, and wrinkles. But do you know why it happens? Aging means your body is less efficient at repairing and regenerating your skin, removing unwanted toxins and debris, and healing. Hyperbaric chambers can boost your body’s oxygen level, establishing a healthy blood circulation, rehabilitating skin, and boosting your immune system. Additionally, with these capabilities, hyperbaric oxygen therapy even fights the mental symptoms of aging such as declining cognitive skills.
Yes! Oxygen is an important part of healthy skin maintenance. Whether we’re tanning at the beach or simply out and about during the day, our skin is exposed to UV radiation from the sun. This exposure damages our skin cells. Routine hyperbaric oxygen therapy can boost your skin’s elasticity and stimulate collagen production, leading to not only less wrinkles but an improvement in skin texture.
While the jury is still out on this topic, recent evidence suggests yes! According to a study at Shamir Medical Center, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can stop and even reverse two major processes associated with aging: the deterioration of blood cells and shortening of telomeres. As we age, our bodies begin to break down and these two processes are challenged. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides a non-invasive, painless, and revitalizing solution.
Read on to learn more about Hyperbaric Science.

Both Lebron James and Michael Phelps, among other successful competitors, have used hyperbaric oxygen therapy in their training. Increased oxygen to your body means your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are provided with a richer blood supply. Oxygenated blood supports quicker healing of injuries, reduces muscle soreness, decreases inflammation, and even improves endurance while training. Professional athletes attest to hyperbaric chamber use, but even novice exercisers can benefit from less post-work out soreness and a shorter recovery period!
Due to athletes’ frequent travel, we recommend a portable hyperbaric chamber. It is important to consider the weight of the chamber for transporting.

Research is still being conducted to determine hyperbaric oxygen therapy’s effectiveness for children and adults with autism; currently, HBOT is not a FDA-approved treatment for autism. However, a recent study of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in children with autism reports improvements in overall functioning, receptive language, social interaction, eye contact, and sensory/cognitive awareness. Some users report increased language and communication ability, as well as a better quality of life. While there are conflicting beliefs in the HBOT community regarding its effectiveness with Autistic individuals, overall, hyperbaric treatment is safe and typically well-tolerated. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with Autism, it may be worth trying out and seeing the results for yourself!

Yes! Wound healing is 1 of 13 FDA-approved uses of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT is particularly useful for chronic wounds, which are non-healing wounds that fail to heal correctly despite traditional hospital interventions. These include diabetic ulcers, wounds from radiation poisoning, infectious wounds, and surgical wounds.

For your body to heal bruises, cuts, and breaks, your blood has to carry oxygen to the injury. HBOT stimulates the creation of new blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and even destroys harmful bacteria that can infect a wound.

Oxygen is imperative for all your cells, including the cells in your brain. When these cells die, blood runs into surrounding tissue causing swelling and reducing functional blood flow. As the bloodstream is the transportation for oxygen, this leak may cause other areas of the brain to not receive the oxygen it needs! This is where hyperbaric oxygen therapy can step in. As HBOT increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, there may now be enough to support the rest of your brain, despite the leak.

Some users report experiencing relief of paralysis after hyperbaric oxygen therapy, perhaps due to the increased oxygen stimulating damaged tissue repair. Other users report HBOT to restore memory, concentration, and regain their overall quality of life after a traumatic brain injury.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is safe to be utilized by children, including those with CP or a TBI. In some cases, the injured brain tissue may be dormant and non-functioning, but oxygen can promote reestablished use. For patients with cerebral palsy, a study by the Underseas Hyperbaric Medicine journal found that when combined with intensive rehabilitation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy shows significant improvements in gross motor function. Some users report that cognitive function and spasticity were improved, as well. Keep in mind, however, that HBOT is not an FDA-approved treatment for CP or TBI. Speak with your doctor if you are planning to use HBOT for off-label uses.

Occasionally one may experience temporary ear discomfort while pressurizing or depressurizing the chamber, but this typically resolves after the first few sessions. This may be due to inflammation or congestion within the cranium, which can make it difficult for the ears to equalize. Since mild HBOT is a good anti-inflammatory, this typically resolves with treatment and pressurizing more slowly may be all that is required.

Parasitic or microbial infections such as Lyme disease or candida may cause a temporary exacerbation of symptoms early in treatment as high levels of oxygen are a natural anti-microbial and these organisms may release toxins as they die. those organisms die off and release toxins your system detoxifies. Mild exercise, saunas, drinking extra water or detoxifying teas, epsom salt baths and herbal supplements to support detoxification may be helpful.

Many doctors recommend an initial group of 40 sessions, one per day, for 60 minutes each, 5 to 7 days per week. If you are dealing with a systemic infection, such as Lyme disease or candidiasis, you may need to treat less frequently initially and support detoxification processes to address die-off related discomfort. For people with chronic and neurological issues, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, autism, traumatic brain injury, or stroke, repeated series of 40 sessions may be required, depending on the extent and severity of the condition and other underlying health issues. Please contact your doctor to discuss the best protocol for your condition. Athletes, those interested in wellness and optimal aging may benefit from regular HBOT 3-4 times per week.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used internationally for more than 80 different conditions. In the US our FDA has only approved it for 14, and it is rarely covered by insurance.

Research and clinical experience supports its use for athletic injuries and performance, arthritis, autism, attention deficit disorder, auto-immune disorders, Bell’s Palsy, brain and head injuries, cardiovascular disease, cerebral palsy, chemo-brain, cognitive impairment, Crohn’s disease, dermatological conditions, diabetes and diabetes related retinopathy and neuropathy, dementia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, Lyme disease and coinfections, learning disabilities, macular degeneration, MS, neuropathies, non-healing wounds, Parkinson’s disease, pervasive development disorders, PTSD, radiation damaged tissue, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, reconstructive surgery, spinal cord injury, stroke, and more. Used pre-and post-surgery it can improve outcomes for difficult surgeries and research shows that that it may be effective as an anti-aging and cancer prevention strategy.

In the US, HBOT is FDA approved to treat air or gas embolism, carbon monoxide & cyanide poisoning, crush injury, acute traumatic ischemia, decompression sickness, delayed radiation injury, diabetic footulcers, enhanced healing of problem wounds, exceptional blood loss, gas gangrene, intracranial abscess, necrotizing soft tissue infections, osteomyelitis (refractory), skin grafts and flaps(compromised), and thermal burns.

Portable hyperbaric chambers are cleared by the FDA to treat acute mountain sickness only. In the US, all other conditions are considered off-label, although HBOT is approved internationally for treatment of 60-120 different conditions and over 35,000 research studies support its use.

See our Research page resources and studies about HBOT and various conditions.

Hyperbaric oxygen is used to treat all conditions which benefit from increased tissue oxygen availability, as well as infections where it can be used for its antibiotic properties, either as the primary therapy, or in conjunction with other drugs.

Insurance and Medicare consider the following conditions for HBOT to be covered for payment:

  • Air or Gas Embolism
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Compartment Syndrome/Crush Injury/Other Traumatic Ischemias
  • Decompression Sickness (Bends)
  • Diabetic and Selected Wounds
  • Exceptional Blood Loss (Anemia)
  • Gas Gangrene
  • Intracranial Abscess
  • Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection
  • Osteoradionecrosis and Radiation Tissue Damage
  • Osteomyelitis (Refractory)
  • Skin Grafts and (Compromised) Flaps
  • Thermal Burns

The following conditions are off-label which may or may not be covered by insurance or Medicare:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Autism
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Lyme Disease
  • Migraine
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Near Drowning
  • Recovery from Plastic Surgery
  • Sports Injuries
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury

There are basically two types of chambers: monoplace and multiplace. And two type of materials solid, suitable for higher pressures typically fixed in hospitals, and inflatable, suitable for lower pressures, portable and ideal for home use, typically.

Monoplace chambers are designed to treat a single person pressurized with 100% oxygen.

Multiplace chambers are designed to hold several people at one time and oxygen is delivered through a mask or a hood.

Only clean cotton clothing is allowed in the chamber. No cosmetics, perfumes, hair preparations, deodorants, wigs or jewelry are allowed in the chamber. It is advised not to take alcohol or carbonated drinks for four hours prior to treatment. In most cases, it is recommended to give up smoking and any other tobacco products during their treatment period, as they interfere with the body’s ability to transport oxygen.

HBOT, or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, is a simple procedure that consists of entering a HBOT chamber and experiencing an increase in pressure to 1.3 ATA while delivering Oxygen into your body

The increase in oxygen provided by HBOT will support the natural healing and regeneration process of the body with significant benefits for beauty and wellness, physical performance, and mental concentration.

HBOT can also help with many other medical conditions, easing or lessening symptoms for patients and sufferers worldwide.

A hyperbaric chamber is an enclosure wherein a user breathes in oxygen at levels above normal atmospheric pressure. The goal is to fill the blood with enough oxygen to repair tissues and restore body functions. While a user is in the chamber breathing supplemental oxygen under increased pressure, oxygen saturates their red blood cells. The additional pressure directly infuses oxygen into bodily fluids. This includes plasma, lymphatic fluid, spinal fluid, and interstitial spaces and tissues.

Yes, our chambers are designed to be safely used at home and are easy to operate with the required training. You and your family will be able to enjoy HBOT in the comfort of your home. The cost of the chamber is amortized in just a few months compared to paying for regular sessions

You will be seated or lying down inside the chamber as you breathe concentrated oxygen (90-95% O2) through a face mask. You can rest, meditate, read, sleep or use your Smartphone or tablet. People often report feeling less pain and a sense of relaxation and mental clarity following a session

Generally, mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy is very safe. It can create discomfort in the ear similar what one would experience when taking off and landing in an airplane. It can be easily controlled by yawning and swallowing.

The only absolute contraindications to HBOT are pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and air-trapping emphysema. If you are safe to fly in an airplane, you are safe to receive HBOT. HBOT at below 1.5ATA pressure significantly reduces other potential issues

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves the quality of life of the patient in many areas when standard medicine is not working and is a complementary treatment for a wide range of conditions with minimal side effects Significant benefits have been observed in Beauty & wellness, sports, wound healing and many other conditions.

Beauty and wellness: Help to rejuvenate your skin slowing down the aging process. Make hair and nails stronger and brighter. Support weight loss and improve sleep. Reduce fatigue and stress

Sports: Improve performance, muscle recovery and reduce pain

Wound healing: Decrease inflation and stimulate healing process and immunity system, diabetics injuries recoveries

Others benefits: improve male functioning, jet lag, severe anemia, air and gas embolism, autism, Cerebral Palsy (CP) or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

You probably know that as we age, we experience the physical symptoms of aging: fat buildup, muscle loss, and wrinkles. But do you know why it happens? Aging means your body is less efficient at repairing and regenerating your skin, removing unwanted toxins and debris, and healing. Hyperbaric chambers can boost your body’s oxygen level, establishing a healthy blood circulation, rehabilitating skin, and boosting your immune system. Additionally, with these capabilities, hyperbaric oxygen therapy even fights the mental symptoms of aging such as declining cognitive skills.
Yes! Oxygen is an important part of healthy skin maintenance. Whether we’re tanning at the beach or simply out and about during the day, our skin is exposed to UV radiation from the sun. This exposure damages our skin cells. Routine hyperbaric oxygen therapy can boost your skin’s elasticity and stimulate collagen production, leading to not only less wrinkles but an improvement in skin texture.
While the jury is still out on this topic, recent evidence suggests yes! According to a study at Shamir Medical Center, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can stop and even reverse two major processes associated with aging: the deterioration of blood cells and shortening of telomeres. As we age, our bodies begin to break down and these two processes are challenged. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides a non-invasive, painless, and revitalizing solution.
Read on to learn more about Hyperbaric Science.

Both Lebron James and Michael Phelps, among other successful competitors, have used hyperbaric oxygen therapy in their training. Increased oxygen to your body means your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are provided with a richer blood supply. Oxygenated blood supports quicker healing of injuries, reduces muscle soreness, decreases inflammation, and even improves endurance while training. Professional athletes attest to hyperbaric chamber use, but even novice exercisers can benefit from less post-work out soreness and a shorter recovery period!
Due to athletes’ frequent travel, we recommend a portable hyperbaric chamber. It is important to consider the weight of the chamber for transporting.

Research is still being conducted to determine hyperbaric oxygen therapy’s effectiveness for children and adults with autism; currently, HBOT is not a FDA-approved treatment for autism. However, a recent study of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in children with autism reports improvements in overall functioning, receptive language, social interaction, eye contact, and sensory/cognitive awareness. Some users report increased language and communication ability, as well as a better quality of life. While there are conflicting beliefs in the HBOT community regarding its effectiveness with Autistic individuals, overall, hyperbaric treatment is safe and typically well-tolerated. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with Autism, it may be worth trying out and seeing the results for yourself!

Yes! Wound healing is 1 of 13 FDA-approved uses of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT is particularly useful for chronic wounds, which are non-healing wounds that fail to heal correctly despite traditional hospital interventions. These include diabetic ulcers, wounds from radiation poisoning, infectious wounds, and surgical wounds.

For your body to heal bruises, cuts, and breaks, your blood has to carry oxygen to the injury. HBOT stimulates the creation of new blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and even destroys harmful bacteria that can infect a wound.

Oxygen is imperative for all your cells, including the cells in your brain. When these cells die, blood runs into surrounding tissue causing swelling and reducing functional blood flow. As the bloodstream is the transportation for oxygen, this leak may cause other areas of the brain to not receive the oxygen it needs! This is where hyperbaric oxygen therapy can step in. As HBOT increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, there may now be enough to support the rest of your brain, despite the leak.

Some users report experiencing relief of paralysis after hyperbaric oxygen therapy, perhaps due to the increased oxygen stimulating damaged tissue repair. Other users report HBOT to restore memory, concentration, and regain their overall quality of life after a traumatic brain injury.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is safe to be utilized by children, including those with CP or a TBI. In some cases, the injured brain tissue may be dormant and non-functioning, but oxygen can promote reestablished use. For patients with cerebral palsy, a study by the Underseas Hyperbaric Medicine journal found that when combined with intensive rehabilitation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy shows significant improvements in gross motor function. Some users report that cognitive function and spasticity were improved, as well. Keep in mind, however, that HBOT is not an FDA-approved treatment for CP or TBI. Speak with your doctor if you are planning to use HBOT for off-label uses.

Occasionally one may experience temporary ear discomfort while pressurizing or depressurizing the chamber, but this typically resolves after the first few sessions. This may be due to inflammation or congestion within the cranium, which can make it difficult for the ears to equalize. Since mild HBOT is a good anti-inflammatory, this typically resolves with treatment and pressurizing more slowly may be all that is required.

Many doctors recommend an initial group of 40 sessions, one per day, for 60 minutes each, 5 to 7 days per week. If you are dealing with a systemic infection, such as Lyme disease or candidiasis, you may need to treat less frequently initially and support detoxification processes to address die-off related discomfort. For people with chronic and neurological issues, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, autism, traumatic brain injury, or stroke, repeated series of 40 sessions may be required, depending on the extent and severity of the condition and other underlying health issues. Please contact your doctor to discuss the best protocol for your condition. Athletes, those interested in wellness and optimal aging may benefit from regular HBOT 3-4 times per week.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used internationally for more than 80 different conditions. In the US our FDA has only approved it for 14, and it is rarely covered by insurance.

Research and clinical experience supports its use for athletic injuries and performance, arthritis, autism, attention deficit disorder, auto-immune disorders, Bell’s Palsy, brain and head injuries, cardiovascular disease, cerebral palsy, chemo-brain, cognitive impairment, Crohn’s disease, dermatological conditions, diabetes and diabetes related retinopathy and neuropathy, dementia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis, Lyme disease and coinfections, learning disabilities, macular degeneration, MS, neuropathies, non-healing wounds, Parkinson’s disease, pervasive development disorders, PTSD, radiation damaged tissue, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, reconstructive surgery, spinal cord injury, stroke, and more. Used pre-and post-surgery it can improve outcomes for difficult surgeries and research shows that that it may be effective as an anti-aging and cancer prevention strategy.

In the US, HBOT is FDA approved to treat air or gas embolism, carbon monoxide & cyanide poisoning, crush injury, acute traumatic ischemia, decompression sickness, delayed radiation injury, diabetic footulcers, enhanced healing of problem wounds, exceptional blood loss, gas gangrene, intracranial abscess, necrotizing soft tissue infections, osteomyelitis (refractory), skin grafts and flaps(compromised), and thermal burns.

HBOT is approved internationally for treatment of 60-120 different conditions and over 35,000 research studies support its use.

See our Research page resources and studies about HBOT and various conditions.

Hyperbaric oxygen is used to treat all conditions which benefit from increased tissue oxygen availability, as well as infections where it can be used for its antibiotic properties, either as the primary therapy, or in conjunction with other drugs.

Insurance and Medicare consider the following conditions for HBOT to be covered for payment:

  • Air or Gas Embolism
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Compartment Syndrome/Crush Injury/Other Traumatic Ischemias
  • Decompression Sickness (Bends)
  • Diabetic and Selected Wounds
  • Exceptional Blood Loss (Anemia)
  • Gas Gangrene
  • Intracranial Abscess
  • Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection
  • Osteoradionecrosis and Radiation Tissue Damage
  • Osteomyelitis (Refractory)
  • Skin Grafts and (Compromised) Flaps
  • Thermal Burns

The following conditions are off-label which may or may not be covered by insurance or Medicare:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Autism
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Lyme Disease
  • Migraine
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Near Drowning
  • Recovery from Plastic Surgery
  • Sports Injuries
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury

There are basically two types of chambers: monoplace and multiplace. And two type of materials solid, suitable for higher pressures typically fixed in hospitals, and inflatable, suitable for lower pressures, portable and ideal for home use, typically.

Monoplace chambers are designed to treat a single person pressurized with 100% oxygen.

Multiplace chambers are designed to hold several people at one time and oxygen is delivered through a mask or a hood.

Only clean cotton clothing is allowed in the chamber. No cosmetics, perfumes, hair preparations, deodorants, wigs or jewelry are allowed in the chamber. It is advised not to take alcohol or carbonated drinks for four hours prior to treatment. In most cases, it is recommended to give up smoking and any other tobacco products during their treatment period, as they interfere with the body’s ability to transport oxygen.

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